My kids love to dress up not just on carnival but year round. As of late my little one loves the crocodile costume, whereas my big guy sticks with his all time faourite knight outfit. Funnily , these choices speak volumes of their personalities. Raising two strong willed alpha leaders comes with its challenges that keep me learning and growing all the time. Put together an angel faced, fierce of heart little 4 year old girl who knows exactly what she wants and won’t take no for an answer along with a justice loving and defending, strong headed 9 year old alpha boy – and good luck. So all masks off, putting their strength, adventurism and courage in check can be a very humbling process for me as a mom considering that there are a lot of days where I fail in patience and kindness and simply don’t have the answers to it all. So on those hair-roughing days, what do I do? Once I get over my pity party moment, I do what every leader does: I get up again and ask myself: what are my successes, failures and learnings in this. Then I reflect, take a deep breath, count my blessings and try my best again.
To whom much is given much is expected. I know my kids make my greatest challenge, my greatest learnings and my greatest blessings. Our family is the safe grounds in which we practice and grow in patience, forgiveness and unconditional love. Serving each other and giving more than we take. Sometimes this is the hardest thing to do but in the end the most rewarding and transforming as we change in the process to become better persons ourselves. I thank God every day for choosing me to be their mom. He has given them their amazingly strong and bold personalities for a specific reason and one day these two alpha kids will do huge things for Him. I will be there on the sidelines cheering them on as their biggest fan!
In case no one has told you today: I believe in you!
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